Feb 28, 2023
The coding of ChatGPT, obviously done by know-nothing leftists, leaves us quietly confident that the "Terminator" style takeover by AI is not on the immediate horizon. The "T" in LGBTQIA+ is really mad that you're enjoying "Hogwarts Legacy," and they mean to demonstrate their anger by taking petty to a whole new...
Feb 22, 2023
Idris Elba is above the divide and conquer tactics and the world could use a lot more of people like him. Matt Walsh goes nuclear on Dylan Mulvaney, was making it personal worth it? Kevin Bass provides the sincere Covid apology we never thought we would receive, the world could use a lot more people like him as...
Feb 16, 2023
Tom Brady butt sand proves Karl Marx wrong, again. Outrage over Leonardo DiCaprio's new girlfriend's age gives some on the left an uncomfortable look in the mirror. After being embarrassed by a balloon last week, this week the Biden administration wastes no time shooting down another flying object over US soil....
Feb 7, 2023
This week we discuss how the Branch Covidians want you to forget how miserable they made your life over the last 2+ years, the rise of two heroes (Djokovic winning the Australian Open and Mr. Beast curing 1,000 blind people), and the fall of another (Jordan Peterson uses leftist debate tactics to simp for the regime...
Feb 2, 2023
They think you are stupid. Stupid enough to believe that diet, exercise, and proper sleep/stress management will have no impact if you "inherited" obesity. Stupid enough to believe that the FBI are the "good guys" even though their agents commit the very same (or worse) crimes as the trumped up charges they bring...