Oct 26, 2022
The rulers have never cared for the ruled, but now they are also ok with rubbing it in your face. They will force radical degeneracy opinions, like acceptance of pedophilia, on you; be as blatantly hypocritical as possible by openly asking a foreign power to interfere in U.S. elections after spending the last 6+...
Oct 20, 2022
As far as the regime is concerned, consistency is NOT key. Harvard Children's Hospital has claimed that even fetuses know they are transgender, despite the fact that many "experts" at that establishment also likely believe that those same fetuses are nothing more than a disposable clump of cells. Although...
Oct 12, 2022
Incentives, they matter. We sound like a broken record at this point, but that's only because just about everyone refuses to learned this lesson. In Italy, the left is learning that if you sell out your countrymen to overbearing, global elites that could care less about your countrymen's lowering standards of...
Oct 7, 2022
In this episode we discuss the fact that the Twitter blue checks want you to know that Trump is basically Hitler 2.0, but also that you're probably a fascist if you think the 2nd Amendment protects your right to a gun to protect against him. For them, there is no contradiction in these ideas, so apparently, you're...