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Oct 30, 2020

Cancel culture sucks!

But, you already knew that. The real question is: Why? A few years before cancel culture was a thing, we had a personal experience with a guy who would have loved to "cancel" us simply due to his quickness to jump to conclusions to confirm his preconceived biases. That is the long and the short of...

Oct 26, 2020

If you focus on all the wrong things, you are going to have a bad time.

Confirmation hearings for ACB to fill the SCOTUS seat of RGB are ongoing, and as usual, the discussion around is focusing on all the wrong things. This is why we can’t have nice things! In this episode, we explain how the wrong focus leads to the...

Oct 23, 2020

When in doubt, blame government. In this episode, we attack the meme that is Karl Marx's labor theory of value. Like any good zombie, this meme which has been dead since almost the very day it left his pen just keeps coming back, and all too often impacts the way people view public policy concerning workers and/or "the...

Oct 19, 2020

"Voting makes me better than you!"

So, say the sophisticates. Well... about that... Not only are they not morally superior for voting, chances are they are too ignorant to provide any tangible benefit to the rest of us with their vote. That, and as a simple matter of logic and math, no vote matters.

Now that you know...

Oct 16, 2020

liBeRtArIanS aRe sElFiSh!

The late Christopher Hitchens provides sarcastic commentary on libertarianism, displaying his complete ignorance of it. Shocker! He asserts that libertarians are just selfish misanthropes without even the faintest concern for why libertarians' objections to coercive power might be well-founded,...