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Dec 28, 2020

New York politicians are literally begging businesses, in this case Goldman Sachs, not to leave. As all abusers do, New York has taken its job creators for granted, pummeled them financially, and is now crying crocodile tears to keep them as they head out the door. We say good for Goldman Sachs, and any other business,...

Dec 21, 2020

A Texas representative wants to allow Texas citizens to vote on whether staying a part of the U.S. is in their best interest. A simple, unobjectionable enough proposition, no? Apparently not for those that proudly wear the badge of abuser in the relationship, otherwise how are they going to control Texas citizens (or...

Dec 14, 2020

As the incoming administration ramps up its efforts and rhetoric surrounding its COVID response, we think it a healthy exercise to ask important questions and anticipate worst case scenarios. Why? Because the "worst case scenario" has played out over and over in human history, and we think it's a little short-sighted to...

Dec 7, 2020

Thanksgiving Day, and the shouts about "responsible COVID policy" from every corner of society has us thinking: "why do we listen to these people?" Well, you know your hosts here don't, but we still wonder why so many others still are. We work through it, the best we can, from inside the Gulag, where they threw us...

Nov 30, 2020

It's a meme extravaganza!

Only a hopelessly braindead belief in the benevolence, efficiency, and perfectibility of government could lead one to the conclusion that spending money on political campaigns helps the poor and common man more than--get this--actually helping the poor and common man. But yet, here is John...