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Nov 30, 2022

The overarching lesson of political economy is that if power is for sale, the unscrupulous power whores will spare no expense (or personal embarrassment... if they were capable of feeling shame) to buy it. This is the fundamental truth about the form and function of government, as well as the nature of the human beings...

Nov 24, 2022

A Connecticut town, primarily its local Starbucks workers, learns the "might makes right" lesson that has always motivated democracy. As cynical race-baiters have known since Colonial America, if you can keep the ruled divided among arbitrary lines like race it becomes a lot easier to gain and maintain power. And, the...

Nov 19, 2022

Add a few more things to the list, along with death and taxes, that you can count on in life. Every 2-4 years: (1) the election is "the most important of our lifetimes" (it never is); (2) libertarians and their "Schrodinger votes" are to blame for whoever loses; (3) nonsense prevails over common sense; and (4) things...

Nov 9, 2022

The Twitter "blue checks" are losing their minds over having to pay $8/mo to keep their unearned, worthless credential; the "Right" is to blame for every deranged lunatic; and the Covid Cultists want forgiveness for being scumbags to millions of people for the last 2+ years. The complete lack of self-awareness from these...

Nov 4, 2022

In this episode we take a break from the doom and gloom the world mostly is these days and celebrate a happy occasion. Elon Musk has finally completed the purchase of Twitter, fired its top executives, and sent the "blue checks" and purple hairs into full-on melt-down over the loss of just one gatekeeping platform over...